Download Silent Night, Deadly Night 5 The Toy Maker 1991 Hindi Dual Audio 480p BluRay 650MB! Silent Night, Deadly Night 5 The Toy Maker (1991) BluRay Full Movie 650MB Qualities. This is a Horror, Dual Audio [Hindi-English] Movies [300MB] Movie and Available in Dual Audio (Hindi – English) BluRay 480p
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# IMDB Ratings: 4.988/43
# Genre: Horror, Science Fiction
# Director: Martin Kitrosser
# Stars Cast: William Thorne as Derek, Jane Higginson as Sarah Quinn, Van Quattro as Tom Quinn, Tracy Fraim as Noah Adams, Neith Hunter as Kim, Conan Yuzna as Lonnie, Mickey Rooney as Joe Petto, Brian Bremer as Pino, Gerry Black as Harold, Clint Howard as Ricky, Thornton Simmons as Other Santa, Catherine Schreiber as Mother, Zoe Yuzna as Brandy, Jennifer Pusheck as Elf, Billy Oscar as Dad
# Film Story: A young boy sees his father killed by a toy that was anonymously delivered to his house. After that, he is too traumatized to speak, and his mother must deal with both him and the loss of her husband. Meanwhile, a toy maker named Joe Peto builds some suspicious-looking toys, and a mysterious man creeps around both the toy store and the boy's house...but who is responsible for the killer toys?